1. Git Manager Command-line Application

This is a command-line tool I created to fully configure and maintain multiple gitlab/github account's ssh and gpg settings, allowing users to appropriately switch to the account they want to work with and sign their commits on each account.

Project Complete Date: 22 September 2022

Project Repo
Project Demo

Project Tool-kit

To finish this project, I utilised the following tools.:

knowledge of python programming
OS: zorin 16.2
knowledge of git, github/gitlab
knowledge of Python modules
webbrowser, OS and Colorama modules
With the help of this program, developers may create several ssh and gpg keys for numerous accounts. enabling your computer to recognize which host—Gitlab.com or Github.com—the project you're working on now belongs to, as well as enabling you to change your passwords if you decide that your existing one is no longer secure or is too old.
The installation file was packaged using pyinstaller, which bundled all files into one final file that can be installed on any Linux OS. I intend to upgrade and optimize the utility to make use of command-line arguments as inputs.

2. Combinational Logic Circuit

During my second year at the University of Pretoria, I worked on a line following robot combinational circuit wih my team. To complete this job, we needed to break it down and translate the problem statement into a truth table. This allowed us to determine how many logic gates we'd require, as well as how many we could buy in case one or two of them burned before we demoed our project demonstration.

Setting up the Circuit

We began by powering up all of the breadboards we would require and connecting their power lines together, allowing us to power the circuit from a single port. Next, we wired all of the logic gates, LEDs, resistors, and the dip switch, ensuring that all chips were powered up before connecting the circuit subsystems.

Completed Circuit

The project was successful and fulfilled all of the project guide's requirements.

Project Tool-kit

To finish this project, I utilised the following tools.:

Programming Langauge: VHDL
Field Programmable Array (FPGA)
Logical gates: NOT, AND and OR gates OS: Windows10
5V power supply max
connecting wires
Power Cables
Dip Switch


We used LEDs to validate that the circuit requirements were met, with each subsystem functioning properly.

3. Paintig and Renovations

I worked in a team of four at His Blessing Day Care Center, where we restored the facility and brought it to life with vibrant colors, giving lovely smiles to the young children who spend the majority of their time there. We also repaired the toilet flushing system. It was our first time, but we learnt what type and size we required by showing the qualified person a photo of the system in operation, and we successfully purchased and repaired the system.


Despite the fact that it was my first time painting, we were able to complete the objective thanks to our teamwork.

4. Portfolio Website

To share a little more about myself and improve my online profile as a developer, I worked on developing my portfolio website using my skills of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Current demo of my portfolio site

Project Demo

Project Tool-kit

To finish this project, I utilised the following tools.:

Programming: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
VSCODE Canva for designing the CV netlify hosting services
As I continue to work on the project, I have other ideas for improvements and the addition of new back-end functionality.